ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Wingko is a traditional Indonesian snack that has been enjoyed for many years. It is made from a few simple ingredients: sticky rice, coconut, and palm sugar.

First, let's talk about sticky rice. Sticky rice is a special kind of rice that gets sticky when it's cooked. It's different from the regular rice you might be used to eating. Sticky rice is also known as glutinous rice because it contains a type of gluten that makes it sticky.

Now, coconut! Coconuts are large fruits that grow on coconut trees. They have a tough outer shell and when you open them up, you'll find a white, juicy flesh inside. This flesh is grated or shredded to make coconut, which is used in many dishes, including wingko. The coconut gives wingko its delicious tropical flavor.

Lastly, palm sugar! Palm sugar is a sweetener that comes from the sap of certain palm trees. It is made by collecting the sap and boiling it until it thickens and turns into a sticky, caramel-like substance. Palm sugar is used in many Indonesian desserts and snacks, including wingko, to add a sweet taste.

Now that we know about the ingredients, let's talk about how wingko is made. First, the sticky rice is soaked in water for a few hours to make it soft. Then, it is drained and steamed until it becomes tender but still sticky. The steamed sticky rice is then mixed with grated coconut and palm sugar.

The mixture of sticky rice, coconut, and palm sugar is pressed into a round mold and cooked in an oven or on a stovetop until it is golden brown and crispy on the outside. The result is a yummy snack with a chewy texture from the sticky rice and a sweet, coconutty flavor.

Wingko is often enjoyed as a delicious treat with a cup of hot tea or coffee. It is a popular snack in Indonesia, especially in the regions of Java and Bali, where it is commonly found in street markets or small shops.

In conclusion, wingko is a traditional Indonesian snack made from sticky rice, coconut, and palm sugar. It is a sweet and chewy treat that is loved by many people in Indonesia.