ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wire fraud

Wire fraud is when someone uses technology, like the internet or phone, to trick you into sending them money. Imagine if you were playing with your favorite toy and someone told you that if you gave them your toy, they would give you a big pile of candy in return. But when you gave them your toy, they ran away and you never got any candy. That's kind of like what wire fraud is.

A bad person, called a scammer, can use technology to trick you into giving them your money. They might call you and pretend to be someone important, like a bank or the government, and say that you owe them money. They might even send you an email that looks like it's from the real bank or government. The email might say that your account has a problem and you need to click on a link and give them your personal information or your money so they can fix it. But if you click on the link or give them your information, they will take your money and run away, just like the person who promised you candy but didn't give you any.

So, wire fraud is bad because it's like someone stealing your favorite toy, your money, from you by using technology to trick you. That's why it's important to be careful and not give any personal information or money to someone you don't know or trust. If you're not sure if something is real or fake, you can always ask an adult you trust, like your parents or a teacher, for help.