ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wisdom of repugnance

The wisdom of repugnance is a fancy way of saying that sometimes our gut feelings can be smarter than we think. Basically, it means that if something feels really gross or disgusting, we should pay attention to that feeling because it might be telling us that there's something wrong or dangerous about the thing we're thinking about.

For example, if you see a food that looks really weird and slimy and smells bad, your brain might say "Ew, don't eat that!" That feeling of repugnance is actually a good thing, because it's protecting you from getting sick or eating something that could hurt you. Similarly, if you see someone doing something really mean or cruel and you feel a sense of revulsion or disgust, that feeling might be telling you that the thing they're doing is wrong and you should try to stop it.

Of course, sometimes our gut feelings can be wrong or misguided, and it's important to think critically about why we feel the way we do. But the wisdom of repugnance is a reminder that sometimes our instincts can be a valuable tool for keeping us safe and helping us make good decisions.