ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Women in speculative fiction

Well, kiddo, speculative fiction means stories that could happen in imagined worlds, like space or magical lands. Sometimes, these stories are about brave heroes or villains, and they can be exciting and fun to read.

Now, women in speculative fiction are female characters in these kinds of stories. They can be protagonists or villains, too. In the past, many of these stories only showed men as the main characters because people didn't think women could be strong or interesting. This made some girls feel like they couldn't be heroes in their own way, and that wasn't fair.

Thankfully, things have changed, and now we have lots of stories with strong and interesting women as main characters. These stories show that women can be brave, smart, and powerful, too. It's important to have these kinds of stories because they help people understand that girls and women can be heroes and have exciting adventures or save the day, just like boys and men.