ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wood gas generator

Okay kiddo, do you know what wood is? It's the material that comes from trees! Now, sometimes we use wood to make a fire and cook our food. But did you know that we can also use wood to make something called a wood gas generator?

A wood gas generator is like a special machine that turns wood into gas that can be used to power a vehicle or a machine. The gas is called "wood gas" because it's made by burning wood in a special way that doesn't create flames. Instead, the wood heats up and produces a gas that can be used as fuel.

The wood gas generator has three parts: a fuel hopper, a combustion chamber, and a gas cooler and filter. The fuel hopper is where the wood is put in, the combustion chamber is where the wood is burned to make the gas, and the gas cooler and filter is where the gas is cleaned and cooled down before being used.

When the wood is put into the fuel hopper, it is mixed with a little bit of air and heated up. This causes the wood to start breaking down and releasing gases. Then the gases are moved into the combustion chamber, where they are mixed with even more air and burned. This creates heat and more gas, which is then moved to the gas cooler and filter. Here, the gas is cleaned of any impurities and cooled down so it can be safely used as fuel.

So there you have it, kiddo! The wood gas generator is a machine that turns wood into a special gas that can be used to power things like cars or machines. It's kind of like a magic trick, where the wood disappears and turns into gas!