ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Vehicle to Grid (V2G) is when an electric vehicle can send power back to the grid (electricity network). It's like a two-way street - your electric car (EV) can both get power from the grid and also send power back to the grid. This is different from the traditional way where only power is taken from the grid.

When the EV is plugged in to charge, it can actually be used like a battery to send power back to the grid. When power is sent back, the EV owner gets paid for the power provided. This makes EVs a great way to store energy, and helps make the grid more reliable.

By using V2G, the grid can be balanced, making sure that there is exactly the right amount of power available. This helps reduce the need for expensive energy storage solutions and improves the reliability of the grid.

V2G technology is still in development and it will be a while before it can be widely used. But eventually it could make owning an EV even more of a smart choice.