ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Load balancing (electrical power)

So, when we use electricity at home or at an office, we need a certain amount of power to run things like lights, AC, or computers. But imagine if everyone in the building turned on their computers at the same time - this would create a big demand for power and the electricity grid might not be able to provide enough power for everyone.

Load balancing is a way to prevent this from happening. Think of it like a balancing act: we want to make sure that the demand for power is always equal to the supply of power. This is done by using different methods to distribute the demand for power so that no one source of power is overloaded.

Some ways to balance the load of electricity include adding more power sources to the grid, regulating the amount of power being used by different people or devices, and monitoring the flow of electricity in the grid to make sure it's evenly distributed.

Load balancing is important because it helps keep the electricity grid stable, prevents power outages, and ensures that everyone has access to the power they need.