ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is a special day which tells us we should take care of nature and the world we live in.

Just like we take care of our toys and clothes, we also need to take care of the earth where we live. The earth gives us so many things like fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, food to eat and places to stay. But sometimes we forget to take care of the earth and harm it. We cut down trees which give us oxygen, throw rubbish in the rivers which pollute the water we drink, and throw garbage on the ground which pollutes the air we breathe.

So, to remind us of our duty towards the environment, the United Nations decided to celebrate World Environment Day every year on 5th June. On this day, we remember to appreciate and care for the environment. It is a day to think about how we can protect it from getting damaged any further.

It is a day to learn about different things we can do to protect our environment such as using less electricity or turning off the lights and fans when not needed, using public transport, planting trees or recycling our waste.

Overall, World Environment Day is a special day that reminds us to be responsible and caring towards the earth and the environment. We should all do our bit to make the earth a healthier and happier place to live.