ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Written language

So, you know how we can talk to each other using our voices and our ears can hear the sounds? Well, sometimes, we can't talk to each other in person right away, like if we're far away, or if we want to remember something we said before, so we use something called written language.

Written language is like talking, but we use a special kind of code that we write down on paper, or on a computer, or on a phone. It's kind of like drawing, except instead of drawing pictures, we're drawing lines and shapes that stand for sounds and words.

Each letter in our written language has a special sound or a special meaning attached to it. For example, the letter "A" makes the "ah" sound like in "apple", and the letter "B" makes the "buh" sound like in "ball". When we put these letters together, we can make words, like "apple" or "ball".

But sometimes, words can be tricky and have different spellings or different meanings depending on the context. That's why we have things like dictionaries and grammar books that help us understand the rules of our written language.

When we write something down, it's like we're keeping a record of what we want to say. We can use this written language to tell stories, write letters to friends and family, and even create books that other people can read and enjoy.

So, written language is a way for us to communicate with each other when we can't talk in person, using a special code made up of letters, sounds, and meanings.