ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

XXYY syndrome

XXYY syndrome is a type of genetic condition that happens when a baby is born with an extra copy of 2 different parts of DNA. Normally, people have 2 sex chromosomes: either XX for females or XY for males. But in XXYY syndrome, a baby has an extra X and an extra Y chromosome, making their genetic code XXYY instead of just XX or XY.

This can affect the way that the body develops and functions. Boys with XXYY syndrome may have some physical differences, like being taller or having larger hands and feet. They may also have some learning or developmental differences, like having trouble with speech, processing information, or controlling their movements.

Doctors can diagnose XXYY syndrome with a blood test, and there are special therapies and treatments that can help manage some of the symptoms. It's important to remember that having XXYY syndrome doesn't make somebody less special or loved – it just means they have a different genetic makeup and may need some extra support and care.