ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Zbus is a way for computers to talk to each other in a fun and organized way. Just like how we talk to our friends, computers also need a way to talk to each other. Zbus is like a special language that computers use to talk to each other.

Think of your toy box where you keep all your toys. Zbus is like a special box where all the computers keep their toys, which are pieces of information. These toys can be messages, which are like notes that computers want to send to each other.

When one computer wants to send a message to another computer, it puts the message into the zbus toy box. The zbus toy box then makes sure that the message gets sent to the right computer. It's like your mom making sure that your toy gets to your friend's house when you give it to her to take it there.

Zbus even helps keep everything organized. It sorts the messages and makes sure that each computer gets the right message. It stops the messages from getting mixed up and confused.

So, zbus is like a special box that helps computers talk to each other by passing special messages and keeping everything organized.