ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin was a man who wrote books about ancient history and the origins of humans. He believed that thousands of years ago, a group of extraterrestrial beings came to Earth and created humans as a sort of slave race to mine for gold. He called these beings the Annunaki.

Sitchin based his beliefs on his interpretations of ancient texts, particularly those from the Sumerian civilization. He believed that the Sumerians had advanced knowledge and technology that they could not have gained on their own, and that this was evidence of extraterrestrial intervention.

However, many scholars and experts have criticized Sitchin's theories. They argue that his interpretations of the ancient texts are flawed and that there is no actual evidence to support his claims about extraterrestrial beings or their involvement in human history.

In summary, Zecharia Sitchin was a man who believed that ancient aliens created humans as a slave race, based on his interpretations of ancient texts. However, his theories are not widely accepted by scholars and experts in the field.