Zeno's paradoxes are a set of philosophical puzzles that were written by an ancient Greek philosopher named Zeno. He came up with the idea that certain tasks, like walking, could not be accomplished because they involved doing an infinite number of tasks in a finite amount of time. For example, imagine you wanted to walk across the room. Before you could do that, you would have to take one step. But before you could take that one step, you would have to take half a step. And before you took that half a step, you would have to take a quarter step. And so on, until you would have to take an infinitely small step, which would take an infinite amount of time. Zeno's paradox explains that this is impossible, and that we must be missing something. The answer is that although it does seem like it would take an infinite number of steps to cross the room, we can actually accomplish the task in a finite amount of time by taking those infinitely small steps one after another, very quickly. So in the end, Zeno's paradoxes help us to understand that even if something looks impossible at first, it might still be possible.