ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Zoogeography is like a big map that shows where animals live around the world. Just like how you have a home where you live, animals too have a particular place they call home. This could be because of their favorite food or the temperature of the area.

Animals can live in different places like the sea, mountains, deserts, forests, and so on. Scientists who study zoogeography look at different factors like the climate, geography, tectonic plates, and the history of how the continents were formed to understand why certain animals live in certain places.

For example, kangaroos live in Australia because that is their natural habitat. They might not be able to survive somewhere else because they have adapted to the environment in Australia. Similarly, lions live in Africa because their diet consists of animals like gazelles and zebras that are found in that area.

By studying zoogeography, scientists can also understand how animals have evolved and adapted to their environment over time. They can also predict what changes may happen in the future due to climate change or other factors that may impact the animals' survival.
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