Animal geographies is all about studying where different kinds of animals live and how they interact with their environment. Imagine you're playing with your toys on the floor. Now pretend the floor is the world and your toys are animals. Some toys might like to play in the light, while others prefer the dark. Some toys might like to stay close to the wall, while others might be found in the middle of the floor.
Now, just like toys have preferences, different animals have their own likes and dislikes about where they like to live. Some animals prefer to live in the forest, while others live in the desert or in the water. Some like to be high up in the trees, while others like to burrow underground.
Animal geographers also look at how animals interact with their environment. For example, some animals will eat certain plants, which can change the landscape of an area. Or, if there are too many animals living in one place, they might have to compete with each other for resources like food and water.
By studying animal geographies, we can learn about the different kinds of animals that exist, where they live and how they adapt to their environment. This information can then help us to better understand and protect the animals we share our world with.