ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

collocation (remote sensing)

Collocation in remote sensing is like when you match puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. In this case, we are talking about matching different pictures taken from space to make sure they all line up and match with each other.

Imagine you have a bunch of pictures of the Earth taken from space at different times, and you want to compare them to see how things have changed over time. But you can't just lay the pictures on top of each other and expect them to fit perfectly because they were taken from slightly different angles and heights.

So, you use collocation to match the pictures up. This means you find points on each picture that correspond to the same location on the Earth's surface. These points are usually landmarks like cities, mountains, or coastlines that are easy to identify.

Once you've found these matching points, you can align the pictures so they fit together perfectly, just like fitting puzzle pieces together. This allows you to compare the pictures and see how things have changed over time, like how a city has grown bigger or a forest has been cut down.

Overall, collocation is a way to make sure all the different pictures of the Earth taken from space match up perfectly, so we can learn more about our planet and how it changes over time.