ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American citizenship

American citizenship is like being part of a special club. It means you get to live in the United States, which is a big country with lots of different states and people. In order to become part of this club, there are certain things that you have to do.

First, you have to be born in the United States or have parents who are American citizens. If you are born outside of the United States, but one or both of your parents are American citizens, then you can become an American citizen too.

But if you are not born in the United States and your parents are not American citizens, you can still become an American citizen by going through a process called naturalization. This process involves filling out a lot of paperwork and answering questions about American history and customs.

In order to become a naturalized citizen, you need to be at least 18 years old and have lived in the United States for a certain amount of time. You also need to be able to speak English and show that you are a good moral character.

Once you become an American citizen, you are allowed to vote, get a passport and travel freely in and out of the United States. You also get to enjoy the many benefits of being a member of this special club, such as access to good education, healthcare, and job opportunities.

So, to sum it up, being an American citizen means you get to be part of a special club where you can live and thrive in the United States.