ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Best management practice for water pollution

Water pollution is when bad things get into our water, like trash, chemicals, or oil. To help keep our water clean and safe, we need to practice good management of it. That means preventing pollution from happening in the first place and cleaning up what does happen.

Some ways to prevent water pollution are to use less energy and water in your home, always pick up after your pet, and never throw anything in the water. Also, you can help reduce water pollution when you are outside by not throwing trash on the ground because it can make its way into the water.

To clean up water pollution, we can use special machines and chemicals to scoop up the bad stuff and put it in special containers. We can also plant special water plants in the water to help clean it. Finally, it is important to remove things that don’t belong in the water, like oil spills and chemical leaks, as soon as possible to lessen the damage they can do.