ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station

An emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station, or EPIRB for short, is like a help button for boats and ships that can communicate with rescue teams if something bad happens.

Imagine you are on a boat in the middle of the ocean and your boat starts sinking. You are stranded and need help. Luckily, your boat has an EPIRB. When you activate it, it sends out a distress signal on a special radio frequency. This signal can be picked up by satellites or airplanes, which can then notify rescue teams that you need help.

The EPIRB also has a built-in GPS system that can tell rescuers exactly where you are. This way, they can find you quickly and easily.

Overall, an EPIRB is an important tool for boaters and sailors to stay safe on the water. It can provide a way to call for help and get rescued in an emergency.