ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A henge is a big circle made up of stones or wooden posts that are placed in the ground. Imagine playing with your toy blocks and building a big circle around you. That's kind of what a henge looks like!

People built henges a looong time ago, before we had machines and cranes to help us move heavy things. They dug big holes in the ground and put wooden poles or stones into them. Sometimes, they dug a ditch all the way around the henge, and then piled the dirt up in a big mound.

Scientists think that people built henges for different reasons. Some might have been used for big parties or ceremonies, where people would dance and sing. Others might have been used for special religious or spiritual rituals.

Henges are really cool because they're so big and mysterious. We can still visit some of them today and try to imagine what it was like for the people who built them so long ago.