ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever seen a big rock that looks like a table with big stones, and you wonder how it got there? That big rock is called a dolmen!

Dolmens are structures made by ancient people long, long ago. They did not have machines like we have today, so they used big stones to build them. These big rocks are so heavy that even grown-ups have trouble moving them!

Dolmens were built to be special places where people could do important things like ceremonies or rituals. They were usually made by stacking big flat stones on top of one another to make a table-like shape. Can you imagine stacking big rocks on top of each other like building a tower using blocks?

Ancient people believed that dolmens had special powers, like making wishes come true or connecting them to their gods. That's why they took the time and effort to build these structures.

Even though we may not use dolmens today, they are still really cool to see and learn about!