ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Henology is a big word that describes a type of philosophy that tries to understand the fundamental nature of things. Think of it like trying to make sense of what everything is made of and how it all relates to each other.

Imagine you have a bunch of different kinds of toys like Legos, dolls, and action figures. You could just look at them and play with them, but if you want to really understand how they work and what makes them different from each other, you need to take a closer look.

This is what henology is all about – looking closely at things to try and understand them better. Instead of just accepting that things are the way they are, henology asks questions like, "What is the nature of existence?" and "What is the relationship between different things?"

It might sound complicated, but it's really just about asking questions and trying to figure out the answers. Henologists use their minds to explore the world around them and try to make sense of everything they see.