ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Honey trapping

Honey trapping is like when your mom puts your favorite snack in front of you to get you to do something she wants you to do. It's when someone uses something really tempting (like money, attention, or affection) to make someone else do something they wouldn't normally want to do.

For example, imagine someone really wanted to get secret information from a company. They might ask a pretty person to flirt with one of the employees and get close to them. Once they're friends, the pretty person might offer to pay the employee to share some secret information.

This is called honey trapping because the pretty person is like the "honey" that attracts the employee like a bee. But it's all a trick to get what the person really wants.

It's not a nice thing to do, and it's not okay to trick people into doing things they wouldn't want to do normally.