ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Interconnection is when different things are connected together so they can work together.

Let’s say you have two toys - a car and a truck. If you want to play with them together, you have to connect them with a road or a bridge. This way, they can move around together and have fun.

Now imagine you have a lot of toys, like a whole toy city. If you want them all to play together, you need more than just one road. You need a lot of roads and connections so all the toys can move around and have fun together.

The same thing happens with technology. Computers, phones, and other devices need to be connected together so they can communicate and work together. This is called interconnection.

Just like with the toys, the more devices we have, the more connections we need. These connections are made possible by things like wires, cables, and the internet.

When we have good interconnection, our devices can talk to each other easily and share information. This is really important for things like sending emails, making calls, and accessing the internet.

So, in short, interconnection is all about connecting things together so they can work together and have more fun!