ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lp space

Imagine you have a bunch of toys you want to put away in your toy box. You need to organize them in a certain way so you can easily find them later. The same goes for numbers in mathematics - we need a way to organize them so we can work with them in a simple and efficient way.

LP space is a special way of organizing numbers that are arranged in sequences, where the letter “L” stands for “list.” Let's say you have a list of numbers - for example, [1, 2, 3]. When we put these numbers in LP space, we can add them up, multiply by a number, or take their average just like you can with your toys.

LP space is used to measure how different two lists of numbers are from each other. That means, we can compare one list with another list or we can measure the distance between two lists. Just like you can compare how many toys you have in your toy box, or how far one toy is from another.

LP space has different types - L1 space, L2 space, etc. These different types of LP space tell us how to measure that distance. For example, in L2 space, we measure the distance between lists of numbers using something called Euclidean distance - just like how you can measure the distance between two toys using a ruler or measuring tape.

In summary, LP space is a way of organizing sequences of numbers so we can compare them and measure the distance between them. It’s like putting your toys away in a specific way so you can easily find them later.