ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

News conference

A news conference is when a bunch of people who write or report the news all come together in one place to listen to someone who has some important news to share. It's kind of like a big show and tell for grown-ups!

The person who has the news to share (often a politician or a celebrity) stands in front of everyone and talks into a microphone so that everyone can hear them. They tell everyone what the news is about and why it's important.

The people who write and report the news (called journalists) listen carefully and take notes so that they can share the news with other people who might want to know about it.

After the person gives the news, the journalists get a chance to ask questions so that they can understand more about what happened and why.

Sometimes news conferences are held because something really important happened and people need to know about it right away. Other times news conferences are held to make announcements about things that will happen in the future.

Overall, news conferences are an important way for people to learn about what's happening in the world and stay informed.