ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Portal tomb

Imagine you are playing hide-and-seek with your friends in a field. You decide to hide behind a big rock that looks like a little house. You crawl inside the rock and find that it is like a room made out of rocks, with a big flat rock on top to keep everything inside.

Well, a portal tomb is kind of like that rock house you hid in. It's actually a type of ancient burial site that people made a long time ago. Instead of being made out of small rocks, it's made out of huge, heavy stones that are stacked on top of each other to make a big room with a flat roof.

The entrance to the portal tomb is usually a small opening or doorway that you have to crawl through. Once you're inside, you'll find that there are big stones all around you, like a big rock house without walls. Some of the portal tombs are really old and were built by people who lived thousands of years ago!

Even though the portal tomb might look like just a pile of rocks, it was actually a very important place for ancient people. It was where they buried their loved ones who had died, and they believed that the spirits of those people could live on inside the tomb. It's really cool to be able to see and explore something that has been around for so long and has so much history!