ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Street cleaning

Do you know how when you make a mess with your toys on the floor, you have to clean it up so that it's all nice and tidy again? Well, that's basically what street cleaning is, but instead of toys, it's the streets outside.

You see, every day, lots of people walk, drive, and ride their bikes on the streets, and they can make the streets dirty with things like leaves, dirt, and garbage. Street cleaning helps get rid of all that icky stuff so that the streets look nice and clean again.

Street cleaning usually happens early in the morning when most people are still sleeping. A big truck with a bunch of brushes and water sprayers on it comes by and starts cleaning the streets. Some streets even have special machines that suck up all the dirt and garbage!

It's important to keep the streets clean not only so they look nice, but also to keep everyone safe. If there's a bunch of leaves and dirt on the road, it can be slippery for cars and bikes to drive on, which can lead to accidents.

So, next time you see a street cleaning truck, remember that they're just like the toy bin you have at home - cleaning up all the mess so everything looks nice and tidy again!