ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sync sound

Sync sound is when the sound that you hear in a movie or video is played at the same time as the action that's happening on the screen. So when someone is talking, you hear their voice at the same time as you see their mouth moving. This is important because it makes the movie or video look and sound more realistic.

Before sync sound was invented, movies and videos had to add sound separately after filming. This was hard because they had to guess what sounds would match up with what was happening on the screen. But with sync sound, they can record the sound while filming and make sure everything lines up perfectly.

To make this happen, there are special tools used on set to record the sound. These tools are called microphones and they pick up the sound of what's happening on set. The sound is then recorded onto a separate device called a recorder.

Later, when they're editing the movie or video, they use special software to combine the video and the sound together. They make sure that the sound matches up perfectly with the action on the screen so that it looks and sounds like everything is happening at the same time.

Overall, sync sound is important because it makes movies and videos look and sound more realistic. Without sync sound, movies and videos would have a lot less impact and might not be as enjoyable to watch.