ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tumulus culture

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of the Tumulus Culture? It's a fancy name for a group of people that lived in Europe a very long time ago, back before your great-great-grandparents were even born!

These people were known for building these really big mounds of dirt and stones called tumuli, or tumulus in Latin. They would bury important people and their belongings in these mounds, and sometimes even their animals and servants too!

These tumuli could be HUGE, like big enough for a hundred grown-ups to stand on each other's shoulders and still not reach the top! That's because the Tumulus Culture believed that the higher the mound, the more important the person buried inside was.

Now, the Tumulus Culture is not just known for their big mounds though! They were also skilled at making all kinds of things like pottery, jewelry, and weapons. They would trade these items with other groups of people and even travel long distances to do so.

So, even though the Tumulus Culture is no longer around, we can still learn a lot about them from the things they left behind, like their impressive tumuli and their beautiful artifacts. Pretty cool, huh?