ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Çoban salatası

Çoban salatası is a delicious salad that comes from Turkey. Do you know what a salad is? Well, a salad is a mixture of different fresh and healthy ingredients that are sliced and mixed together.

In çoban salatası, there are a lot of colorful and tasty things added. First, there are juicy tomatoes. Have you ever tasted a tomato? They are red and round and are a little bit sweet and sour. We cut the tomatoes into small pieces and put them in a big bowl.

Next, we add cucumber. Cucumbers are long and green, just like the ones you may eat with your sandwiches. We peel the skin off the cucumber and cut them into small slices. We put those slices in the bowl with the tomatoes.

Now, let's add some peppers! There are different types of peppers, like green or red. They are a little spicy, which means they can make your mouth feel tingly. We cut those peppers into small pieces, just like we did with the tomatoes and cucumbers.

Do you like onions? Some people don't like them because they have a strong smell, but they taste really good! We chop the onions into tiny pieces and add them to the bowl.

But wait, we need more flavors! So we add some olives. Olives are small, black or green fruits that grow on trees. They have a strong and unique taste. We chop the olives into small pieces and mix them in with the other ingredients.

To make the salad even more delicious, we add feta cheese. Feta cheese is a white cheese that is a little salty. We crumble the cheese into small chunks and sprinkle it on top of the salad.

Finally, we need some dressing. Dressing is a sauce that we pour over the salad to make it taste even better. For çoban salatası, we usually use olive oil, which is a healthy type of oil made from olives. We also add lemon juice, which is sour and tangy. These ingredients mix together to create a flavorful dressing that we pour over the salad.

Now that everything is in the bowl, we mix it all together so that all the flavors blend. And there you have it, a colorful and tasty çoban salatası! It's a great dish to eat with bread or as a side dish to a meal.