ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there kiddo! So you want to know about the symbol "ʘ", right? Well, this symbol is actually called a "bilabial click".

Do you remember when we used to make clicking noises with our tongues? It's kind of like that! Only, when linguists or language experts use this symbol, it helps them write down the sounds we make when we click our tongues together.

Now, the reason why it's called a "bilabial click" is because it's made by using both of your lips. You know how we have two lips, right? One on the top and one on the bottom of our mouth. Well, when we say the "ʘ" sound, we bring both of our lips together and then quickly pop them apart, making a little clicking noise.

Some languages, like certain African languages, actually use this sound as part of their speech. But for most of us, it's just a fun little noise to make when we're bored or to show off to our friends!

So there you have it buddy, that's what the symbol "ʘ" means and what it sounds like. Who knew there was a whole world of interesting sounds just waiting to be discovered? Have fun exploring!
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