ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

100-year flood

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a bucket that you use to play with water. You fill the bucket up with water and then pour it out. Sometimes you pour out just a little bit of water, and sometimes you pour out a lot of water. It all depends on how much water is in the bucket.

Now, imagine that instead of a bucket, we have a big river. And instead of pouring out just a little bit or a lot of water, we're talking about how much water is flowing in the river. Some days, the river might have a little bit of water flowing through it, and other days it might have a ton of water flowing through it.

So, a 100-year flood is when a river has a LOT of water flowing through it - way more than usual. It's called a 100-year flood because it's something that is only supposed to happen once every 100 years. But sometimes, just like how you might accidentally spill more water than you meant to when playing with your bucket, the river can have a 100-year flood more often than it's supposed to.

When a river has a 100-year flood, it can be really dangerous. The water can overflow and flood streets and buildings. People can get hurt or even lose their homes. That's why it's important for people who live near rivers to know about the risks of a 100-year flood and take steps to stay safe.