ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2010 Yushu earthquake

In 2010, there was a very big earthquake that happened in a place called Yushu. An earthquake is when the ground shakes really, really hard, kind of like when you jump on a trampoline and the other person jumps at the same time, so the trampoline goes up and down really fast.

The shaking of the ground in Yushu was so strong that it made buildings and roads fall down, and people and animals got hurt. It was very sad and scary.

Scientists who study earthquakes think that the shaking happened because two big pieces of the Earth’s crust, which are like big puzzle pieces stuck together, suddenly moved apart, which caused a lot of energy to be released and made the ground shake.

After the earthquake, many people from all around the world helped by sending supplies like food and blankets and money to help rebuild the town and make sure people had what they needed.