ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there! Do you know what saving money is? It means keeping your money aside for later so you can buy something special or something you really need.

Think of a 401(k) like a special piggy bank where you save money for when you are much older, like when you are done working. When you get a job, your bosses may offer a 401(k) plan for you to use.

When you use a 401(k), you get to choose how much money you want to put in every time you get paid. You can choose to put in just a little bit or a lot, but remember this money will always go into your 401(k) piggy bank and you won't be able to touch it until you are much older.

The coolest thing about using a 401(k) is that your boss may also put some extra money into your piggy bank too. This means that you get to grow your money even faster!

Your money in your 401(k) piggy bank will grow over time because it’s invested in the stock market. This means your money is used to help companies grow and succeed. When companies succeed, your piggy bank will grow even more!

Remember, the most important thing to do is to keep adding money to your 401(k) piggy bank every time you get paid. It may seem like a lot of work, but it will help ensure that you have a lot of money to use when you are older and ready to retire.