ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

5 A Day

Hey there, kiddo! Have you ever heard of something called "5 a day"? It's a really important rule for eating healthy and getting all the nutrients your body needs. Here's what it means:

Every day, it's a good idea to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables. That might sound like a lot, but a serving isn't very big - it's about the size of your fist. So you could have a banana, an apple, a handful of baby carrots, a small salad, and some green beans for dinner, and that would be your five servings for the day!

Why is it so important to eat five servings of fruits and veggies? Well, they have lots of nutrients that your body needs to grow and stay healthy. They have vitamins, fiber, and other good stuff that helps keep your heart, brain, and other parts of your body working properly.

So next time you sit down at the table for a meal or reach for a snack, try to make sure you're eating some fruits or veggies. Your body will thank you!