ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ASEAN Smart Cities Network

Alright kiddo, have you ever heard of smart cities? They're cities that use special technology and information to make everything run better and easier for everyone who lives there. And you know what ASEAN is? It's a group of 10 countries in Southeast Asia that work together to make things better for their people.

Now imagine if all of those 10 countries worked together to make their cities even smarter! That's what the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) is all about. They want to use technology and information to make cities in Southeast Asia better places to live and work.

But it's not just about technology. Smart cities also think about things like the environment, safety, and how people get around. So the ASCN wants to make sure that smart cities in Southeast Asia are also sustainable, safe, and easy for people to get around in.

So they're working together to share ideas and figure out how to make their cities smart in all of these ways. And when cities become smarter, it can make life better for a lot of people. And that's pretty cool, huh?