ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aboriginal deaths in custody

Okay kiddo, I’m going to explain something pretty serious, but I’ll make sure you understand everything.

So, in Australia, there are some people called Aboriginals who are the original people that lived in the land. However, when Europeans arrived, things changed for the Aboriginals and their way of life was greatly affected.

Part of that change was that some Aboriginals broke laws and were put in jail or custody. But sadly, sometimes when Aboriginals were in custody, they died, and this became a really big problem.

People started to wonder why this was happening and began looking into it. They discovered that there were a lot of reasons why Aboriginals were dying in custody. Sometimes their health wasn't good enough and sometimes they weren’t being checked on enough. Sometimes they didn’t get the medical help they needed, and sometimes they were treated unfairly by the people who were meant to be looking after them. This made a lot of people really sad and angry.

So, lots of people started working together to try and stop Aboriginals from dying in custody. They made new laws to try and make sure people were treated fairly and they made sure that people in custody were looked after better.

But, even though they are working to fix it, there is still a lot of work to do to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and no one dies in custody simply because they're an Aboriginal person.