ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Activity recognition

Activity recognition is when a computer or device tries to figure out what you are doing based on how you are moving. It's like when mommy or daddy can tell when you're running, jumping, or walking by the way you move your body.

The computer or device can recognize your activity by using sensors like accelerometers, gyroscopes, and GPS. These sensors can detect how fast and in which direction you're moving. For example, if you're running, the sensors will detect that you are moving faster and in a different way than if you're walking.

The computer or device can then use this information to figure out what activity you're doing, like biking, swimming, or even sleeping. This can be really helpful for keeping track of your exercise or making sure you're getting enough sleep.

But sometimes the computer or device might get it wrong and think you're doing something else, like walking when you're actually running. That's okay - it's still learning and trying to understand how you move.