ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acts 17

Okay little one, in Acts 17, there was a guy named Paul who was traveling around telling people about Jesus. He went to a place called Athens where there were a lot of statues and temples dedicated to all sorts of different gods. Paul told the people in Athens that there is only one true God and that he sent his son Jesus to save everyone.

Some people believed what Paul said, but others did not. They thought he was saying weird things and didn't understand his message. Paul kept talking to them and trying to explain why he believed what he did.

Eventually, he was invited to speak to a group of smart people called philosophers. He used his words to try to convince them of the truth of what he was saying. He talked about creation, how God made everything, and all humans are made in His image. He said that Jesus was the way to have a relationship with God and live forever in heaven.

Some of the philosophers were interested and wanted to know more, but others laughed and thought Paul was foolish. Despite their reactions, Paul kept speaking and telling people about Jesus wherever he went.