ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acts of Reparation to Jesus Christ

Okay kiddo, so you know how when we do something wrong or hurt someone’s feelings, we say sorry and try to make it better? Well, sometimes people believe that they have hurt Jesus Christ, who is God’s son.

These people believe that they can say sorry to Jesus by doing something nice for him instead of just saying sorry with their words. This is called an “act of reparation”.

An act of reparation can be different things for different people, but they usually involve doing something that will make Jesus happy, like going to church or doing something nice for someone else.

Some people might even go on a special retreat or pilgrimage to show Jesus how sorry they are and try to make it up to him.

Just like when we say sorry to our friends or family, we want to make things right and show them that we care about them. The same goes for acts of reparation - it’s a way to show Jesus that we care about him and we’re sorry for anything we’ve done to hurt him.