ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Adaptive reuse

Have you ever seen someone take an old toy and turn it into something different? That's kind of like what adaptive reuse is! It's when people take an old building or space that was used for one thing, and change it up so it can be used for something else.

For example, let's say there was an old factory building that was used to make cars. But now, people don't need that factory to make cars because they make them somewhere else. So, some clever people might decide to turn that old factory into a new apartment building, or a cool coffee shop!

Adaptive reuse is good for a few different reasons. First, it helps give old buildings a new life. Instead of just sitting there and getting old and run-down, they can be used for something fun and useful! Second, it's kind of eco-friendly because it's a way of recycling an old space instead of building something new from the ground up. And finally, it can help save money because the building is already mostly there - you just need to do a little bit of work to make it work for your new purpose!