ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Adjunct (grammar)

An adjunct in grammar is like an extra helper word that we add to a sentence to give more information. It's like a little bonus detail that isn't completely necessary but helps to make the sentence more interesting and descriptive.

For example, in the sentence "I went to the store," the word "to" is an adjunct. It's not necessary for the sentence to make sense (we could just say "I went the store" and people would know what we mean), but adding "to" gives us some more information about what I did.

Another example might be the sentence "I drove to the beach with my friends." The phrase "with my friends" is an adjunct because it's not necessary information (I still got to the beach just fine without telling you I had friends with me), but it helps to paint a clearer picture of what happened.

So basically, an adjunct is like a bonus detail we add to our sentences to make them more interesting and informative. It's not always necessary, but it can definitely be helpful!