ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aging (life cycle)

As we grow up, our bodies go through different stages which we call the life cycle. It's like a road trip where we start at one place and go through different stops until we reach our destination.

When we are babies, we cannot do many things on our own, and we rely on others to take care of us. As we grow older, we learn to crawl, walk, talk, and do things by ourselves. We go to school, make friends, and learn new things.

As we enter our teenage years, our bodies start to change a lot. We go through puberty, where our bodies grow taller, and we start getting hair in new places. Our brains also start to develop and we become more independent. We start to make our own choices and decide what we want to do in life.

As we become adults, we start working, getting married, and having children. Our bodies are fully grown, and we have more responsibilities. We work to provide for ourselves and our families.

As we get older, our bodies start to slow down. We may not be as strong or agile as we once were. We may also start to experience health problems or conditions like arthritis or dementia. This is called aging. It happens to everyone and it's a natural part of the life cycle.

Eventually, our bodies will stop working altogether, and we will pass away. This is a sad part of the life cycle, but it happens to everyone. However, the memories and experiences we've had throughout our lives will always stay with us and those we leave behind.