ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Agrarian society

An agrarian society is one where people mainly get their food by farming. To understand this, let's pretend you have a small garden in your backyard where you grow some vegetables. You plant some seeds, water the plants, and wait for them to grow. Then, when the vegetables are ready, you pick them and eat them.

Now, imagine if your whole town did this. Everyone would have a small garden and would grow their own food. People would share their food with each other and trade what they have extra of. This is how an agrarian society works.

Instead of going to the grocery store to buy food, people in an agrarian society grow their own food. They depend on the weather and seasons to grow crops like vegetables, fruits, grains, and raise animals like cows, chickens, and pigs. People work hard in their fields, tending to their crops and animals to make sure everyone has enough to eat.

In an agrarian society, people use simple tools like plows, hoes, and sickles to work on the farm. There is no technology like tractors and machines that are commonly used today. Everyone in the society helps each other to farm the land, so it becomes a community effort.

Overall, an agrarian society is a way of life where people farm for their food, work together to grow crops, and share their goods with one another.