ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Air transport

Air transport is a way to travel long distances by flying in an airplane or a helicopter. When we are on the ground, we breathe the air around us and it feels very light. But when we go up high in an airplane, the air becomes thinner and lighter, so the plane can move faster and easier.

Before we board a plane, our bags and our bodies go through security checks to make sure we don't have anything dangerous or harmful. When we get on the plane, we sit in our seats and buckle our seatbelts. The pilot and co-pilot sit at the front of the plane and control the plane with buttons and levers, just like driving a car. They also talk to a control tower to get permission to take off and land.

When the plane takes off, it goes really fast down the runway and then up into the sky. It feels like a roller coaster ride, but smoother. While we are in the air, we can look out of the windows and see the land and the clouds passing by. We can also watch movies, play games or eat snacks.

Sometimes, the plane might hit some turbulence, which feels like bumpy air. This can be scary, but it usually just means the plane is going through some rough patches of air and will smooth out soon.

When it's time to land, the pilot prepares the plane by slowing down and lowering the wheels. Then we hear the wheels touch the ground and the plane comes to a stop. We gather our belongings, unbuckle our seatbelts and get off the plane.

Air transport is a great way to see the world and travel far distances in just a few hours.
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