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Al-Fiqh al-Akbar

Al-Fiqh al-Akbar is a book that teaches about the most important things in the Islamic religion. It is like a guidebook for how to be a good Muslim. In the book, it talks about things like what Muslims believe about God, the prophets, and the afterlife.

For example, it says that Muslims believe there is only one God, who is very powerful and kind. It also says that Muslims believe in all of the prophets who came before, like Moses and Jesus, and that they believe that the Prophet Muhammad was the last and most important prophet.

The book talks a lot about how to pray and do other religious practices correctly. It also talks about the rules that Muslims have to follow in their everyday life, like how to treat other people fairly and how to be a good person.

Overall, al-Fiqh al-Akbar is a really important book for Muslims to read and study so they can understand their faith better and live a good life according to the teachings of Islam.