ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alsace d'abord

Alsace d'abord is a group of people who want Alsace to be the most important thing. A group is like a team of people who have the same idea or goal.

Alsace is a special place in France where people speak a different language called Alsatian, which is a mix of French and German. Alsace used to be a part of Germany, but now it is a part of France.

The people who are a part of Alsace d'abord believe that it is important to protect their culture and their language. They want Alsace to have more power and control over its own government and not just follow the rules of France.

It is like when you are playing a game with your friends, sometimes you want to make the rules and not just follow what others want to do.

Overall, Alsace d'abord is a group of people who love their home and want to make sure it is recognized and protected.