ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Amino acid

Amino acids are like little building blocks that make proteins. Imagine you have a big tub of colorful blocks, and each color is a different kind of amino acid. When you put them together in different ways, they form different types of proteins, like a house or a car made out of blocks. But just like you need to put the blocks in the right order and use the right colors to build something, your body also needs to use the right amino acids in the right order to make the proteins it needs to function properly. Some amino acids your body can make on its own, but others you need to get from the food you eat. And just like how different shapes and sizes of blocks can make different things, different combinations of amino acids can make different types of proteins with different functions in your body. So amino acids are like the building blocks your body uses to make important proteins that keep you healthy and functioning well.