ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Amphibious vehicle

An amphibious vehicle is like a special car that can move both on land and in water. It is like a superhero, as most cars cannot do that!

This means that this vehicle can drive on roads, like normal cars, and also float on water, like boats. Cool right? It's like two vehicles combined in one.

The way it works is very interesting. It has special parts that help it move both on land and water. When it is on land, it rolls on wheels, like normal cars do. But when it enters water, the wheels convert to special paddles or propellers that help it move through water.

To make the vehicle float on water, it has to be designed in a special way. It should have air-filled compartments or a hollow body that can help it stay afloat.

Amphibious vehicles are very useful in certain situations, such as in a flood or when the driver needs to cross a river. It can also be used for some fun activities like river-rafting or exploring a lake.

In summary, an amphibious vehicle is a special type of vehicle that can move both on land and water. It has wheels and paddles for movement and is useful for various purposes.